Counselors » Programs & Services

Programs & Services

The school counselor's goal is to ensure that all students leave Cortez Magnet with the attitudes, knowledge, and skills to be successful in high school and in their post-secondary undertakings. In order to help with the development of these skills, the counselor will provide monthly activities around the themes of academics, college and career, and social-emotional development.
School-Wide Activities
in classAs school counselors we provide in-class instruction to all students. The topics presented fall within the three ASCA domains: academic, social-emotional, and college and career.
groupSome topics are presented in small groups for 4-8 weeks to ensure that our students are gaining the necessary tools to be successful at Cortez Magnet and in their transition to middle school and high school.
Group Counseling-Students in a Circle
ind.Based on student need, as school counselors, we provide 1:1 student counseling for academic, college and career, and social-emotional development.
Individual Counseling Image
Conflict Mediations
Consultations and Collaborations with School Staff
Referrals to School and Community Resources